It's so critical!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Juliette et Chocolat - Montreal, Quebec


This is a popular spot for a mature, laid back crowd, from the bland-looking English major to Asian fashionistas.

I went with my chocolate-obsessed out-of-town companion. I thought he would enjoy the experience...

...Boy, was I wrong! The place was hopping but not *overcrowded*, and there seemed to be *at least* 7 or 8 staff members. Still, we must have waited 30 minutes to place our order, and, I kid you not, 2 hours to receive our desserts.

We got so bored of waiting that we forgot the exact names of our orders

Were they good? Yes, but definitely weren't worth the wait. So not worth the wait that I won't even bother to comment on them. The contained deeply flavourful chocolate, that's all you need to know. Nothing memorable and nothing worth what we went through.

Would I go back? Yes, but only because I've been there several times in the past and I know that today's service was atypical of what they normally provide. I don't really go solely for the food, I go for the food/thoughts of chocolate/being with friends who love chocolate.

ADDRESS: 1615, St-Denis, Montreal

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